Special pt rapperii care-si lustruiesc bling-blingurile
Dar care-s fomisti si isi ling lingurile.
.. ba stii cum is astia?.. astia-s
Fara dume, fara glume, fara bani, fara sume, in hip hop fara nume,
Fara concerte la care sa se-adune lume,
Cand le zic pe fata astia-s ca pe litoral, fac spume
Profesional nici un nume nu-mi scapa
Si da fac p***a mare, si s-ar putea sa nu-mi incapa
La unii-n gura
In hip hop prea multi tarani, nu-i de mirarea ca astia-o iau pe aratura
E lipsa de cultura, doar gangsteri de bordura
Astia nu stiu ce e rap nici daca le dai mura in gura
Coasta de vest, coasta de est
Cu asta te lovesc nu cu gunoaie ca si salprest
Nu vorbesc inainte sa gandesc
Si imi bag p***-n manele si in stilu arabesc
Destest solistele gen Corina
Mi-as baga ceva in ele sa le mut splina.
refren: (x2)
Hip Hop all day, is hip hop all day
Gotta say wha' i have to say
Hip Hop all day, is hip hop all day
Fake emcees, they can't play.
Mcs had their times now they're smoking
There for ages, now in the backstages choking
I'm not joking, i am no p. i. m. p.
You're a fake muthafocker can't call yourself mc
I'm happy like drunk at the happy hour
You're scared the f***d out like a convict in the shower
I like the bitch in you who says "push"
Even i speak english better then W. Bush
Whenever wherever on the mic like shakira
.. sa-mi bag p**a daca mai gasesc aici rima.
refren: (x2)
Hip Hop all day, is hip hop all day
Gotta say wha' i have to say
Hip Hop all day, is hïp hop all day
Fake emcees, they can't play