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Versuri Angel of spring
- Bohemians Skinny

Angel of Spring.

Spaced-out cowboy smoking weed
Flying thru the rings of tyranny
Dust and stars fill my screen
Searching for the angel of spring.

Got to find her i'm short of time
Life support is falling down
Rejuvenation is want i want
Help me angel to find the old one.

Hot looking woman on h*****e
My bleeding heart can't take your sin
Lift me angel take me higher and higher
Take me to the root of desire.

I wanna be consumed by your gentle flame
My body's burning, my minds insane

But deep down inside i love the pain
Of the angel of spring.

From the tombs of Krishna
To the house of the Lord
Taking in the calm of the storm
Help me angel to be my own
Help me angel to save my soul.

Mercy be my guide
I've been the knave of life for a while
Opposite souls so equally matched
Angel now is the time.

Spirits winding down
Running on the rails of time
What i got is what you need
Riding thru the rings of tyranny