# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Versuri Nothing
- Beerbong

Time goes by depression,
Choosing wise length breaths,
I Just walk one meter down
A sort of quick-earth-ground.
Looking backward and forward
For those things I have forgiven myself
Between long steps, crossin' on this lane.
It's a lucky chance finding good words backwards:
My body is blank, full of nothing,
Non-sense is my own fault.
Hallucination trails coming up next.
I mean this is just wasting time.
Let me remain again.
So, I used to play with insane toys
Hoping my body doesn't grind.
But I only wonder if my silent calls
I only wonder.. if you tear along now.
But you stay locked up with hope in tomorrow,
You have a key to save your own life
From big damage lighting in your eyes.